
Saturday, August 23, 2008

KLEBNIKOV CARNAVAL August 17-24 2008 Belgium

There are only two days left to visit Grapes of Art and Vilt's KLEBNIKOV CARNAVAL.

Participating Artists and Writers:

Marko Niemi (Finland) - ZAUMACHINEDidi de Paris - spoken word/performance/voordracht (B)
Herlinda Vekemans (B)
Alain Delmotte (B)
Peter Holvoet-Hanssen (B)
TOX! the new collective consisting ofTine Moniek,(B)
Olaf Risee (NL)Xavier Roelens (B)
Lucas Hüsgen - voordracht (NL)
Maarten Inghels - voordracht (B)
Han van der Vegt - voordracht (NL)
Dirk Vekemans - ha
Helen White (USA)
Philip Meersman - video/audio (B)
A. Andreas - Brahamian Intelligence Service - email Opera/informatieverstrekking/voordracht (NL)
Sonia Dermience (B)
Grapes of Art
Ilse Derden (B)
Arnout Camerlincks (B)
Jan Vossen (B) - painting
Angela Genusa
Christina McPhee
Sergio Basbaum
David-Baptiste Chirot (Canada)
Lanny Quarles (USA)
Johannes Gutenberg (CANADA) - prints/ vispo
Rustin Larson (USA)
Erik Rzepka
Kristen Alvanson - video (Iran- USA)
Reza Negarestani- text (Iran)
Yerna Van Den Driessche - optreden/voordracht (B)
Bert Lema - tekstueel (B)
Luc Fierens (B)
David Troch & Sylvie Marie De Koninck (o.v.) (B)SAGE (Saskia van Herwijnen & Gerrit van Schuppen) - video (NL)Fre Widdekind -spoken word/voordracht/(muziek) (B)Jaan Patterson - graphics (Germany)Moabi & Michael - dance/music (Portugal/België)Lexicon Valley - verhalende performance beeld-geluidJJ Pollet - studyrooms/assemblage

For more information check here.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Cabinet Magazine issue 30

My photos of Iranian mannequins accompany Nina Power's article 'Mannequins, Manners, and Mutilation' on Mary Wollstonecraft and the mannequins of Iran in the current issue of Cabinet Magazine. Please seek out a copy. The issue also includes:

Digging up numerous items of interest, including:
- Michael Saler on the London Underground's aesthetic departures
- Sina Najafi interviews Rosalind Williams on the subterranean imagination
- Magnus Bärtås uncovers the temple of Damanhur
- Mark Wasiuta on Ant Farm's plans for missile-silo reclamation
- Alessandro Scafi on the underpinnings of Dante's Inferno
- Joshua Foer interviews Michel Siffre on his six-month sojourn in a cave

And closer to the surface:
- Nina Power on Mary Wollstonecraft and the mannequins of Tehran
- Paul La Farge on Victor Hugo's sainthood in Vietnam
- Michael Taussig on the headier influences of Walter Benjamin and William Burroughs
- Sasha Archibald on Alfred Yarbus's science of visual attention
- Moyra Davey on feeling marooned- D. Graham Burnett explores the commonplace book
- Celeste Olalquiaga on coral polyps and the politics of science
- Josiah McElheny on the curious position of Mies van der Rohe's Glass Skyscraper Project
- Allen S. Weiss on the intoxicating aspects of a Japanese guinomi
- Margaret Wertheim interviews Nancy Knowlton on the vanishing world of coral

Cabinet is on sale in the US at independent bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Tower, Borders, Hudson News, and Universal News. Also available in Canada, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Singapore, New Zealand, and Japan. A partial list of retailers worldwide can be found at